Personal Website of Michael Burawoy
Michael Burawoy has been a participant observer of industrial workplaces in four countries: Zambia, United States, Hungary and Russia.
Michael Burawoy. Public Sociology. Books Papers Symposia Applications Videos . PUBLIC SOCIOLOGIES. Books | Papers | Symposia| Critiques|Videos THE IDEA. My idea of public sociology was inspired by the research and engagement of colleagues at Berkeley, and then beyond Berkeley by sociologists ranging from outlaws such as Robert Lynd, C. Wright Mills …
MICHAEL BURAWOY Home Address 320 Lee St., Apt. 1002, Oakland, CA 94610. E-mail: [email protected] University Address Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; Telephone: 510-643-1958 . Education B.A. Mathematics, University of Cambridge, England, 1968. M.A. Sociology, University of Zambia, 1972.
Michael Burawoy’s idea of public sociology instigated a heated debate about the purpose of sociological research and bestowed its author an important place among contemporary social thinkers.
Michael Burawoy. Public Sociology. Books Papers Symposia Applications | COLLECTIONS ON PUBLIC SOCIOLOGY. Neil McLaughlin, Erich Fromm and Global Public Sociology (Bristol University Press, 2023)
AUTOBIOGRAPHY - Michael Burawoy
AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Pour un Marxisme Sociologique (Les éditions sociales, 2021) . Public Sociology: Between Utopia and Anti-Utopia (Polity, 2021) "Living Theory: Reflections on Four Decades of Teaching Social Theory" "Antinomian Marxist" (from Alan Sica and Stephen Turner, eds.,The Disobedient Generation, 2005) ...
Michael Burawoy University of California–Berkeley Responding to the growing gap between the sociological ethos and the world we study, the challenge of public sociology is to engage multiple publics in multiple ways. These public sociologies should not be left out in the cold, but brought into the framework of our discipline.
Michael Burawoy. Public Sociology. Books Papers Symposia Applications . PAPERS ON PUBLIC SOCIOLOGY "For Public Sociology." Address to the American Sociological Association (August 15, 2004) available in English | French | Spanish | Portuguese | Finnish | Farsi | Hungarian | Russian | Chinese | Italian | Arabic | Polish| German| Also video recording
Links to Papers - Michael Burawoy
Michael Burawoy: “The Last Positivist” "On Uncompromising Pessimism: Response to My Critics." (Global Labor Journal, 2011) "From Polanyi to Pollyanna: The False Optimism of Global Labor Studies." (Global Labour Journal, 2010)
Department of Sociology, University of California Berkeley
8.Homo Ludens vs. Homo Habitus: Burawoy Meets Bourdieu. Bourdieu, symbolic order and the ‘margin of freedom’: four sketches for a theory of change. Epilogue