William Afton - Five Nights At Freddy's Wiki
Seen when completing the Fruity Maze mini game, standing next to Susie from the right, is William Afton wearing a Spring Bonnie suit that he uses to lure children with, telling her that her dog is still alive as long as she follows him.
Springlock Suits | Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki | Fandom
William Afton wearing the Spring Bonnie suit before his demise during the final Five Nights at Freddy's 3 end-of-night minigame, animated. The springlock suits were introduced to Fredbear's Family Diner at some point, likely before or during 1983 as seen in the television Easter Egg from Five Nights at Freddy's 4 .
William Afton | Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki | Fandom
Springtrap is William's first true appearance in the series, appearing as a heavily damaged Spring Bonnie animatronic / springlock suit, with Afton's mummified remains still inside. The suit is a drab olive color, with darker colors on his stomach and the insides of his ears.
William Afton/Gallery | Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki | Fandom
William Afton wearing the Spring Bonnie suit seen at the end of the Fruity Maze Arcade minigame.
William Afton | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Sometime after 1993, after making the fatal mistake of destroying the classic animatronics and accidentally freeing the ghosts of his victims, Afton attempted to protect himself with the old, withered Spring Bonnie suit, the same used for his murders.
How Do Springlock Suits Work In FNAF? - TheGamer
Nov 5, 2023 · In addition, springlock suits are designed so performers can climb inside and wear them as costumes. This is the method of disguise used by William Afton (A.K.A Purple Guy) to abduct children and commit murder in the games, novels, and the FNAF movie.
William Afton | Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki | Fandom
In the video game series, William Afton was the co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment and a serial killer who killed children across Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria locations who was eventually killed within the Spring Bonnie suit, becoming Springtrap.
William Afton: What to Know About The Antagonist Of FNAF
He is seen as a decayed, rotting corpse trapped inside a springlock suit, an animatronic designed to function both as a robot and a wearable costume. The suit, known as Spring Bonnie, is now a decaying yellow-green, with exposed wires, broken components, and Afton’s withered body visible through the gaps in the suit. His skeletal remains ...
William Afton - Fnafapedia Wikia | Fandom
Inside of the suit contains William Afton's impaled, mummified corpse, having had dozens of sharp springlocks puncture his flesh and organs, it trapped him inside of the suit. His skull was drilled into and his mouth was speared open. His eyeballs were popped out of the sockets.
Springlock Suits | Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki | Fandom
Springlock suits were created by William Afton sometime in the 1980s and was implemented into various animatronics like Ella but particularly the Yellow Rabbit suit. Afton prized this suit in particular using it to kidnap and kill five children at Freddy’s.