Ohio Trap
Our officers and board of directors are committed to serving Ohio shooters and their clubs.
Cardinal Shooting Center - Ohio Trap
The Cardinal Center is Ohio’s showplace for shotgun sports, and the OSTA is glad to have forged a partnership with Marengo landowners Jack Fishburn and the late Karen Fishburn. Together, …
About Us - Ohio Trap
Our officers and board are committed to serving Ohio shooters and their clubs. With a storied history that began in 1887 — 50 plus years after trapshooting made its U.S. debut at …
Hall of Fame - Ohio Trap
Helen Urban Cone began shooting trap in 1954. She was in Ohio Ladies Singles Champion in 1956 and 1979. Helen won Women’s Handicap, Doubles and High-Over-All Honers at the …
Ohio State Shoot - Ohio Trap
The Ohio State Trapshooting tournament is one of the largest trapshooting events in the country with as many as 1,500 shooters from more than 30 states competing for money, big-ticket …
Youth Shooting Programs - Ohio Trap
Participants are taught safe shooting habits, gun handling and trapshooting etiquette. Through competition, our youth learn life lessons including teamwork, sportsmanship and giving back to …
Shoot Calendar - Ohio Trap
5 days ago · We used a manual, spring-loaded trap machine that launched clay pigeons, one or two at a time. Our guns were all-purpose field shotguns, the same we used to hunt upland …
2020-2021 STATE SHOOT ZONE TEAM RACE RESULTS. Singles Zone Team Results: Winner- Southwest Zone with a score of 2856 Northeast Zone – 2834 Northwest Zone -2682
All-Ohio Team | Ohio Trap
The following shooters maintained the highest composite average in the State of Ohio based on the 2024 minimum target requirement. Team members were required to shoot the …
Northeast Zone - Ohio Trap
C4 Shooting and Training Center Lake County 6347 E. Loveland Road, Madison, OH 44057 Contact: Neil Harrison 440-298-3200 Website: www.c4shootcenter.com Registered Targets: …