GO THROUGH A BAD/DIFFICULT/ROUGH/STICKY PATCH definition: 1. to experience a lot of problems in a period of your life: 2. to experience lots of problems in…. Learn more. Dictionary
Rough patch - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
The skinny: Colorado has hit a bit of a rough patch lately, going just 4-4-2 over its last 10 games.
Definition of 'a rough patch' - Collins Online Dictionary
You hit a rough patch, and you either endure or you flip out and do the bad thing.
a bad/difficult/sticky/rough patch | meaning of a …
• Sometimes I am a real power pack of efficiency; then I hit a bad patch. • Talk about hitting a bad patch. • Every team goes through a bad patch. • The Royal Family is certainly going through a rough patch. • Even when they knew he was going through a bad patch they would continue to deliver dangerous back-passes to him.
Go through a rough patch - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To experience or be in the midst of a period of trouble, difficulty, or hardship. Her business has been going through a bit of a rough patch lately. If things don't pick up soon, she might have to close shop. Our marriage went through a rough patch after Frank lost his job, but now, we love each other more than ever.
Hit a bad patch - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To experience or be in the midst of a period of trouble, difficulty, or hardship. Her business has hit a bit of a bad patch lately. If things don't pick up soon, she might have to close shop. Our marriage hit a bad patch after Frank lost his job, but now our relationship is stronger than ever. Oh, honey, you've just hit a bad patch.
Understanding "rough patch" Idiom: Meaning, Origins & Usage ...
The phrase “rough patch” is a common idiom used to describe a difficult or challenging period in someone’s life. It is often used to refer to a time when things are not going well, and there may be obstacles or setbacks that need to be overcome.
go through a rough patch - The Idioms
All relationships go through a rough patch at some point or the other. The key is to work together to resolve the issues and not blame each other for what’s gone wrong. They are going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment, but I am sure they will get over it soon and work out a way to settle their differences.
Surviving Your Rough Patch In Life - Centering Healing
When you hit a rough patch you go spiraling down a rabbit hole of despair which causes you to question everything about who you thought you were and how far you have come. When we are in these stress filled moments our brains default to self protection mode and our conscious thinking goes offline.
Understanding "Hit a Rough Patch": An English Idiom Explained
Jan 29, 2024 · Cracking the Code: Demystifying the English Idiom 'Hit a Rough Patch' • Unravel the mystery behind the popular English idiom 'Hit a Rough Patch' with this informative video. Discover...