Homepage | Food Standards Agency
5 days ago · Food Standards Agency makes sure food is safe and what it says it is.
Notes 1. It is the responsibility of the proprietors of food businesses to comply with current food safety legislation. 2. Only the Courts can interpret statutory legislation with any authority.
1 Summary Intended audience: All food business operators except primary producers. (Primary producers can use it as best practice advice and Enforcement Officers will also find it useful) Regional coverage: UK Legal status: This guidance is intended to: • Accompany legislation. • Describe best practice. Purpose / summary: People who …
Ultra-processed foods - Food Standards Agency
There has been a lot of public debate recently about ultra-processed foods. Some research has shown a correlation between consuming a lot of ultra-processed foods and poorer health.
HACCP model documents | Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Agency on social media. Facebook (Open in a new window) Twitter (Open in a new window) Linkedin (Open in a new window)
Why avoiding cross-contamination is important - Food Standards …
Cross-contamination occurs when bacteria is transferred between different foods, from food to surfaces, and from surfaces to food.
Food hygiene | Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Agency on social media. Facebook (Open in a new window) Twitter (Open in a new window) Linkedin (Open in a new window)
6 6-8 a day Hydration Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of fluid every day. Water, lower fat milk and sugar-free drinks including tea and coffee all count.
Safer food, better business (SFBB) | Food Standards Agency
Safer food better business details the food safety management procedures for small businesses. This pack sets out your responsibilities, tells you how the SFBB packs should be used and emphasises the important of reviewing and updating it.
Online food safety training | Food Standards Agency
May 28, 2020 · 6 April 2023 Added extra copy and links on labelling to 'Food labelling, traceability, and vacuum packing courses' section; 31 March 2023 Changed related article at bottom; 31 March 2023 Removal of Food labelling training, Traceability training for enforcement officers, and Vacuum packing training for enforcement officers, and a …