How to revolutionize the high-tech world? The specialists at the Boston Dynamics American firm have a suitable answer: to design the most perfect robot ever created. Over the past 40 years, the ...
The AV trucking provider is “the first company to make autonomous trucking a real business,” the firm’s founder and CEO Don ...
A new report suggests that Apple and Meta could end up competing in the humanoid robots field. The social media company is said to be making “significant investment” in this product category, with a ...
In the movie “Bicentennial Man”, Robin Williams portrays Andrew, a household robot who carves an intricately detailed wooden ...
Korean gripper company TESOLLO unveiled its latest robot hand designed for humanoids: the Delto Gripper-5 Finger (DG-5F). The new gripper will go on sale in March and boasts 20 degrees of freedom (DoF ...
Explore how tech leaders like Tesla, Amazon, and Nvidia are advancing AI-powered humanoid robots across industries.
Jobs, who tragically died more than a decade ago, remains an icon of the industry and a lasting symbol of Apple's brilliance ...
Technical know-how and existing supply chains give Chinese electric-vehicle makers a significant head start in the sector.
Combining lab-grown muscle tissue with a series of flexible mechanical joints has led to the development of an artificial ...
How Boston Dynamics is training its Atlas robot to become fully autonomous The humanoid robot Atlas never ceases to amaze. Today, Atlas is one of the most dynamic humanoid robots in the world.
While Elon Musk’s prediction that robots will outnumber human beings by 2040 concerns some people, a PNW mechatronics expert is impressed by the progress being made with androids. “I want to give ...