The upcoming film Agathiya, directed by renowned lyricist Pa. Vijay, stars Jiiva, Raashi Khanna, Arjun, and others, with music composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja. Scheduled for release on February 28, ...
Actor Ajith Kumar received the Padma Bhushan award in recognition of his significant contribution to cinema over his 30-year ...
He further added, "Just to earn money through views, criticizing others wrongly can't be accepted. You have the right to ...
Abhinaya has worked with Vishal in films such as "Poojai" and "Mark Antony." Social media buzz suggested that the two were in a relationship, but the actress dismissed these claims during an interview ...
American Airlines Flight 5342, en route from Wichita, Kansas, to Washington, D.C., tragically collided with a military helicopter near the capital ...