The sooner vintners know how much yield to expect, the better they can “dial in” their wine making process, he added.
Malolactic fermentation is a naturally occurring process in wine. It helps to tame astringency in red wines and can offer ...
The sooner vintners know how much yield to expect, the better they can “dial in” their wine making process, he added. Mason Earles believes that AI can help farmers with difficult field labor ...
Blended wines have amassed an unfair bias over the years, but instead of judging a wine for its potentially impure varietal ...
First, a regular, still wine is made by fermenting the sugar in the grapes into alcohol. Then winemakers take this base wine ...
The sooner vintners know how much yield to expect, the better they can “dial in” their wine making process, he added. “Predicting what yields you’re going to have at the end of the season ...