Film Noir is 1940s cinema filled with femme fatales, doomed anti-heroes, gray morality, and dangerous, dark streets. It is born from the cracks of war and recession and cloaked in slick visuals ...
The phrase “film noir” often calls to mind the image of a fedora-clad sleuth investigating a perplexing crime that may or may not involve the woman he loves in a shadow-swarmed city in the 1940s.
No surprise, really, given the "Golden Age" designation, and especially true for the ominous, morally-wrought world of classic film noir. Even in this context, few contenders vying for the highest ...
Film noir of the 1940s and ‘50s cut right through these expectations, delivering cynicism by the boatloads; shadowy mysteries with complex, densely woven plotlines, cunning twists, and ...