Hoplite infantrymen were the military ideal ... With an eight-foot long spear, a short sword, and a bronze-covered shield, the total weight of their equipment was therefore in the region of ...
which is a kind of ancient Greek foot soldier who wore heavy armor to protect themselves. Hoplites primarily carried spears and large, round shields. They were the very image of ancient Greek ...
How did the Hoplite fight? A thoughtful introduction by Richard A. Gabriel pointing out the numerous problems of doing ancient military history opens A Storm of Spears. The book is based on Matthew’s ...
The Greek foot soldier was called a hoplite. He fought with a long spear and used a large round shield for protection. In battle, hoplites fought as a team. They lined up and locked their shields ...
To sum up, Billows sees a literate, Hoplite, democratic culture developed in the polis, where a mass audience would participate in the “high culture” we associate with the Ancient Greece of Plato, ...