“The name of this dreaded attendant is variously pronounced as Banshee, Banshi, and Benshee, being translated by different ...
The banshee is linked to Tuatha Dé Danann – a race of fairies in Irish mythology. “Banshee” itself means “fairy woman” in Gaelic. As Anthony explains: “The Tuatha Dé Danann is ...
By Soncirey Mitchell Reader Staff Due to the Irish diaspora and humanity’s love of drink, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated worldwide with green-themed decorations and pints of Guinness. Since most ...
Amid a hushed studio audience, Byrne announced his next guest was going to talk about the banshee, a particular type of phantom known in traditional Irish belief. Alone in the house and terrified ...
The Banshee is the story of a woman whose appearance ... These supernatural abilities make her a myth rather than a legend. She pops up across Irish, Scottish and Welsh stories.