Two snail species – the Cuban brown snail and Beck's awlsnail – have been spotted in Singapore for the first time.
Partula snails went extinct in the wild because of another snail species—or rather, two. In 1967, the French Polynesian government allowed the giant African land snail to be imported and used as ...
Other very strong entries include two tins of snails from 1977 and some 40-year-old custard powder. Can you beat them?
SINGAPORE - Two snail species – the Cuban brown snail and Beck’s awlsnail – have been spotted in Singapore for the first time. This also marks their first sighting in Asia, reports by the ...
Over the past two decades, the Gulf of Maine has become a popular landing spot for invasive species from across the world, ...
The two species of freshwater snail were once widespread throughout the Columbia Basin in Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. But the snails have disappeared from Montana and are now living in ...
The snails we work with are mostly wild caught ... You’ve explained that animals produce two different types of venom — predative and defensive — depending on their circumstances.