So, we've checked in with garden experts to help you determine when onions are ready to be harvested, whether you've grown the bulbs from sets or you're waiting on a crop of spring onions.
Planting onion sets or slips in autumn has some distinct ... which translates to bigger and more flavorful bulbs. In northern zones, spring planted onions need to get into the ground early which ...
Onion sets are small, immature onions, planted in spring or late summer. The sets increase in size and each forms one full-sized bulb when ready to harvest. Where possible, choose onion sets that ...
Spring Onion: These onions are similar to green onions and are also usually sold in bunches. A spring onion has a larger bulb and is sometimes the young version of a bulbing onion that still has its ...
Onions are a kitchen staple that can be planted in either spring or autumn and are easy to grow in a sunny spot. The Which? Gardening experts have grown and tasted onions from sets (little bulbs), ...
Sowing and Transplanting: Onions are usually grown in gardens from seedling transplants or from sets, or small bulbs ... and less during the cooler spring. Once bulbs begin to mature, they ...