The only thing more notorious than this widely-derided Sylvester Stallone action-comedy is the story about how Sly came to ...
While action star Sylvester Stallone's onscreen exploits as John Rambo are fictionalized, the famous character was based on a ...
First Blood Part II" and literally going toe-to-toe with seemingly the entire Soviet Army in "Rambo III," reality took a holiday from Stallone's series. There was a half-hearted attempt to make ...
But when it comes to this cinematic trope, no one besides perhaps Arnold Schwarzenegger epitomized it better than Sly Stallone and Rambo."Rambo III" is the perfect example. Whereas the series had ...
Oscar winner Sylvester Stallone is one of the most easily recognizable actors of all time, but he also holds a record that ...