These rabbits seek out habitat on the fringes of open spaces, such as fields, meadows, and farms, but can adapt to other habitats—including those of humans. They browse at night on grasses and ...
authorities and environmental organizations like the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP). Currently, the Sierra Tecuani Biosphere Reserve overlaps the rabbit's habitat ...
To find out whether solitary life in the hutch was causing Peppa’s stress, we replaced his hutch with an enclosure that was larger and contains features that mimic a rabbit’s natural habitat.
European rabbits have also travelled the world, being introduced to foreign lands, and have caused mass infestations in Australia and New Zealand, where they have few natural predators.
“This is a great first step toward protecting the tiny but mighty pygmy rabbit and the habitat it needs to survive,” said Randi Spivak, public land policy director at the Center for Biological ...