Don’t put your thumb on this green. Many gardeners might not be aware of the lethal plant thought to be the most toxic in the ...
Another plant you really want to avoid touching is the wild parsnip. These look related to the aforementioned giant hogweed, ...
NOTHING says spring quite like a sunny walk surrounded by blossoming flowers and green fields. After lots of dark and wet ...
When potatoes are exposed to sunlight, they produce a compound called solanine. The more solanine you eat, the sicker you can ...
Depending on the plant and concentration, it can be poisonous to humans too. Most Aloe has thick and fleshy leaves with serrated edges. The leaves are often green or bluish-green and sit in a ...
However, this plant contains toxic cardiac glycosides. If an animal ingests any parts of this plant, it can result in serious poisoning. Deadly Nightshade is a unique plant with purple and green ...
Many common plants, such as Sago palms and Coonties, are toxic to pets. Pet owners should research plants and create safe zones in their yards. We use terms such as landscaping for the design of ...
In some cases, victims are left with a crooked grin, due to involuntary muscle contractions You must have heard about poisonous plants, but have you ever heard about a plant so deadly that it ...
The plant may have yellow or green flowers or yellow-green berries, depending on the time of year. Like poison ivy and poison sumac, poison oak releases an oil called urushiol when it sustains damage.
As spring arrives, bringing longer and warmer days, nature awakens from its winter slumber and with it, a few unwelcome visitors. Among them are two particularly invasive and toxic plants: poison ...