Even better, a perfect credit score is one sign that your finances are in great shape. So what does it take to join the 850 club? Some people think you have to carry a credit card balance to build ...
Monitor your credit report to ensure there are no mistakes. A perfect 850 credit score might seem impossible to achieve, but plenty of Americans have hit this milestone. While you don't need a ...
It's possible to walk into the LSAT with minimal practice and score a perfect 180. My college roommate managed this feat, and I cannot fathom how he did it. For those of us mortals who may need a ...
How many Americans have a perfect 850 credit score? In many sports, it's possible to play a game that can be counted as "perfect." Knock down 120 pins with 12 bowls in 10-pin bowling and you've ...
Attaining a perfect credit score is difficult, but there's no "trick" to it. See how some Americans have done it -- and how ...