Onshore rigs in the week that ended on Jan. 3 totaled 573, in line with the prior week's count. In offshore resources, 14 rigs were operating, which also remains the same as the week-ago count.
China is now building a new rig that should be able to drill much deeper than any other rig—onshore. Led by the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, the project involves a number of research ...
The company operates a large fleet of onshore drilling rigs in Saudi Arabia and 12 jack-ups, three of which were added in the third quarter of 2023. In addition, the Saudi drilling player ...
Tampnet and Armada have announced a partnership aiming to offer on-rig processing and onshore compute. The companies will ...
Work is expected to start at a major new renewables site in Scotland within weeks. Progress on the new Scottish onshore wind farm is moving forward after leading renewable energy developer OnPath ...