Welcome to the $3 million doomsday-proof condo. Larry Hall ... Narrator: Hall's team spent nearly $20 million to turn the missile silo into a secure shelter for 12 families.
Upscale doomsday digs: The Luxury Survival Condo, in a former missile silo, includes high-end amenities like a movie theater and a swimming pool.
The Survival Condo Project in Kansas is a doomsday bunker built for millionaires. Check out the luxury survival community within an old missile silo. Follow BI Video: On Twitter More from Military ...
and has been living in it ever since. Meanwhile, Larry Hall is building million-dollar condominiums inside of an underground missile silo.
The completion of 20 new missile silos for the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense system at Fort Greely, Alaska, comes amid a new look at its modernization.