A new "self-driving" microscope developed by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers solves two fundamental challenges ...
Since their development in the early 1950's, scanning electron microscopes have developed new areas of study in the medical and physical science communities. The SEM has allowed researchers to examine ...
Dr. Chris Lawrence explains Read his words Transcription of the audio "Loewenhoek used the microscope perhaps more extensively than anyone else at this time to investigate the body. He described ...
Why the Mission to Retrieve Astronauts Stuck in Space Is Delayed Again 4-Time Pro Bowler Signs Contract With Seattle Seahawks Scientists are concerned as earthquakes strike near US volcano about ...
What do you get when you cross a day job as a Medical Histopathologist with an interest in 3D printing and programming? You get a fully-baked Open Source microscope, specifically the Portable ...
WITec's alpha300 Ri inverted confocal Raman imaging microscope facilitates 3D chemical ... geoscience, life science, medical devices and many more will benefit from the flexibility and convenience ...
The microscope combines polarized fluorescence technology, a valuable tool for measuring the orientation of molecules, with a dual-view light sheet microscope (diSPIM), which excels at imaging ...
The BX43 microscope offers an outstanding range of features, high optical performance and is the ideal platform for digital imaging. This flexible microscope offers various contrast methods and ...
And the island continues to lose hundreds of medical professionals each year. One of the biggest reasons that doctors are fleeing is low wages. In 2016 the average hourly wage for physicians in Puerto ...