Erie County, Sheriff

An altercation with law enforcement following a pet pig's shooting death led to charges for an Erie County man on Friday ...
The official at the center of the controversy is Chief of Narcotics and Intelligence Daniel "DJ" Granville, who is accused of ...
The chief of narcotics for the Erie County Sheriff's Office crashed a pickup into seven parked vehicles on Buffalo's Lower ...
A Concord man faces weapons and firearm charges after he allegedly euthanized his pet pig by shooting it with a firearm and ...
An investigation into the death of a pet pig has landed a Town of Concord man behind bars and facing a long list of charges, including a dozen for firearm possession.
A distraught Concord man was arrested Friday night after shooting his pet pig with one of 11 firearms he illegally owned, according to the Erie County Sheriff's Office.
Erie County will participate in the statewide tornado drill by testing its Outdoor Emergency Sirens. The testing will take ...
Erie County Comptroller Kevin Hardwick expresses concerns about the alleged incident involving an Erie County Sheriff’s chief ...