From persistent dry eyes to unexpected complications – what experts say you should know before undergoing Lasik surgery.
Michelle Hessen, OD, discusses how cyclosporine ophthalmic solution 0.09% is safe to use in patients with dry eye, as well as where future research should turn.
Epiphora describes excessive eye watering. Allergies, infection, or a clogged tear duct often cause it. Learn about causes, ...
I'm have been a devout user of Lumify's eye-whitening drops, which I stow in nearly every purse I own for an immediate ...
A study by AIIMS reveals that bio-enhanced curcumin, found in turmeric (haldi), effectively treats mild to moderate dry eye ...
Dr Gogate adds systemic medicines like drugs against blood pressure, anti-allergic tablets, anxiolytics, hormones, steroids, ...
Since the eyes remain open for longer between each blink, this tends to cause drying of the tear film over the surface of the ...
Ocular surface discomfort can be problematic after cataract surgery. Italian researchers tested the use of cyclosporine A 0.1 ...
Though several individuals find contact lenses online to cause dryness, selecting the appropriate lens material and observing excellent eye care can really help. Proper replacement schedules, ...