Cadet Col. Roger Zimmerman receives his new insignia of rank from Col. Roland P. West and Col. Harry E. Burcher. Zimmerman was recently appointed as regimental commander for the Army ROTC Unit on the ...
45 cadets were pinned by veterans. They received their first ranks, junior ROTC pins and the naval anchors for their covers.
Their first step was joining the cadet ranks of the Air Force ROTC by way of Howard's Detachment 130. Their enthusiasm was often met with disapproval on campus, especially on Wednesdays when they ...
Our program is rooted in history and places an emphasis on excellence. Our Cadets consistently rank ahead of national cadet command averages in academics and physical fitness. By coming to our ...
Among lawn mower brands on the market today, Cub Cadet ranks higher than some of the more budget-friendly options. While Cub Cadet makes some of the least reliable push lawn mowers, the brand is ...