Bee-flies look adorable. Seeing the dark-edged bee-fly hover in mid-air, some people describe it as a tiny, fluffy, flying narwhale. It has a hairy little body and face, and a very long, straw-like ...
The flower produces a cocktail of chemicals that mimics those released by a wounded honey bee (Apis mellifera), drawing flies into a pollen-coated chamber. The discovery was described this week ...
Fortunately, there is a simple trick to help you. Artificial honey mimics authentic, natural honey so well that it can be hard to differentiate between the two at first glance. However ...
Predacious insects hide amongst the foliage to prey on other flower vistors. Syrphid flies are a diverse group of bee mimics that feed on nectar and pollen. These abundant flower visitors also play a ...
Some flowers go to extraordinary lengths to attract pollinators. Bee orchids mimic the shape and scent of bees in order to lure them into ‘pseudocopulation’, where the male insect attempts to mate ...