He was just literally shooting everyone, like hunting season. -- Chris Ramos, was inside theater Suspect James Holmes purchases a ticket and walks into the movie ... 12:39 a.m.-- Aurora police ...
A Colorado cop praised as a hero after the 2012 Aurora movie theater shooting has been accused of raping his own daughter when she was just 5 and physically abusing his son — but remains free ...
On the movie-theater floor ... She followed that passion to Colorado to forge a career in sports journalism. It probably took her to Toronto, where just weeks before the theater shooting, she walked ...
Thanks to the Colorado Media Project ... Melanie Asmar is covering today's preliminary hearing into the July 20 Aurora theater shooting allegedly committed by James Holmes. The latest update ...
The Aurora Century 16, where James Holmes allegedly ... by the attendance at this week's preliminary hearing in the theater shooting case, there are many more victims who could potentially ...
A man was shot by a gunman while working inside Panda Buffet restaurant in Aurora on Sunday night, police confirmed.
It has now been more than a decade since the Aurora theater shooting that killed 12 and hurt at least 70 others. Community, loved ones and friends are coming together to reflect and remember the ...
A gunman opened fire late Saturday night inside Club Q, an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado ... in an Aurora, Colorado movie theater, Sandy Phillips is visiting yet another mass shooting site.
Police in Aurora rushed ... scene after the shooting, "Someone came out and after another male... he was distraught and said, 'They shot my baby.'" He also told CBS News Colorado, "Since I've ...
On the movie-theater floor ... She followed that passion to Colorado to forge a career in sports journalism. It probably took her to Toronto, where just weeks before the theater shooting, she walked ...