Supersymmetry, long considered the golden child of theoretical physics, has officially lost its luster at the world’s ...
Triggering systems play a crucial role in filtering the vast amounts of data generated by modern collider experiments. A good ...
The largest, ATLAS, has a detector that’s seven ... contraptions should listen to Richard Jacobsson. The LHC is replacing a particle detector he worked with for a decade. He came to know every ...
New quadrupole magnets for the High-Luminosity LHC will use Nb3Sn conductors for the first time in an accelerator.
As researchers analyze larger data sets from the LHC's third run and the upcoming ... Observation of VVZ production at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector, arXiv (2024). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.
The four detectors are called ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb. The first LHC detector is called ALICE and it stands over 50 feet tall and weighs more than the Eiffel Tower. ALICE uses the world's ...
Our group contributed in three principal areas of the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker: the design of silicon detectors capable of withstanding the high radiation environment of LHC, the front-end ...
University of Glasgow physicists working on the ATLAS experiment at CERN have led a precise new measurement of the mass of the top quark, using high-transverse-momentum ('boosted') top quarks.
The Innsbruck High Energy Physics group is a member of the CERN ATLAS collaboration and participates in the ATLAS experiment, one of the two experiments which discovered the Higgs boson in 2012. Our ...