Poor public policy and streets that prioritize speed over safety are fueling traffic fatalities in metro Atlanta, according ...
ATLANTA — A crash had all lanes closed of I-85 South right before Midtown Atlanta and where it meets I-75 on Wednesday morning, The lanes reopened around 7:45 a.m., but significant delays remain.
For commuters who trek daily across metro Atlanta’s highways, this likely won’t be a shock. Nine area interchanges are among the worst in the country for truckers hauling freight, according to the ...
If you want a comprehensive look at any particular neighborhood, consider taking one of the best Atlanta tours, many of which spotlight some of the city's best-known neighborhoods. Accessible via ...
If you get headaches from Atlanta's congestion, you're not alone. Multiple interchanges were recently named on a list of the worst traffic bottlenecks around the country. Atlanta's worst spot is ...
The traffic alert was issued Friday at 12:39 a.m., and the last update concerning this incident was provided on Friday at 1 a.m. Crash reported on northbound I-285 in Atlanta A traffic warning has ...
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